Friday, October 06, 2006

Jack Straw for Leader of the Labour Party

So Jack Straw MP has decided to announce that he prefers it if Muslim women do NOT wear full Muslim Veils, and that he asks those visiting him to remove them (BBC News).

Cue cries of outrage from some in the Muslim community, including the Islamic Human Rights Commission (BBC News). Apparently this is "selectively discriminating" against Muslim women (or those that choose to wear the full niqab).

Now to me, discrimination is when you give different treatment to different people, beit more fair or less fair. Well, Jack Straw is discriminating against those that cover themselves up in this way, because he is treating them differently to those that do not cover themselves up. However is it relevant that they are Muslim?

I'm sure if someone turned up in a hoody and baseball cap he would say the same thing. He would not insist that the garms were removed, but I bet he would ask for them to be as it meant he wouldn't be able to see their face. What's the difference?

The difference is that some people are trying to stir up a clash of civilisations. Muslims Vs. Christians/Jews. Those wearing baseball caps and hoodies are not involved! Maybe both sides are trying to stir it up........

Either way, watch this space, it's gonna get worse!

I say, good on you Mr. Straw, you've not insulted anyone, and you haven't let political correctness stop you from saying what you think. Jack Straw for Leader of the Labour Party!

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